“Via Verde” of Alcoy

The city of Alcoy has a long industrial tradition. Its interior location was a major drawback to output its products. To solve this problem, narrow-gauge railways were laid to communicate it with the port of Gandía and with the broad-gauge railway in the distant town of Villena. But Alcoyan aspirations pointed to a wide-gauge railway, of greater capacity, that would connect it with the port of Alicante, more important than the modest Grao de Gandía. Thus, under the Guadalhorce Railways Plan, in the midst of the General Primo de Rivera dictatorship, dizzying works began that managed to create 66 km of railway infrastructure, using all the engineering resources of those times. The civil war, the postwar period and its miseries prevented the tracks from being laid and the railway from being opened to service, being definitively forgotten among these Alicante mountains.


Observations: Length: 10 km. Type of pavement: Mixed, asphalt (7.6 km) and compacted earth (2.4 km). Infrastructure: 10 tunnels and 3 viaducts.

Where to sleep
Where to eat

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