Hermitage of Santa Lucia

The hermitage presides from the top of the Cerro de Santa Lucía the town of Ibi. It is built on the remains of the old Castell Vermell. Despite not knowing its actual construction date, it is known that it existed in 1559. It is also known that in 1593 works were made in the hermitage. Several years later, in 1620, it was demolished due to an earthquake that struck the entire area. It was a long time before it was restored in 1979. It is declared a site of cultural interest. The construction of its walls is using the ordinary 55cm masonry technique. and the corners reinforced with ashlars. The temple roof is groin vaulted and the Arab tile roof. The building stands in the period of Muslim domination (XII) with the presence of a defensive tower. The hermitage was erected on the remains of this tower, by Christians, in the 16th century. The Cerro de Santa Lucía was first inhabited in the second millennium B.C. (bronze Age). Useful remains and materials from this era have been found.

Location: Cerro de Santa Lucía.

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