Amagatall de Tota (Alcoy)

About us

Chef Jorge Sanus and his entire team await you at L’Amagatall de Tota. Although young, they are amply prepared and with them you can discover their particular vision of market cuisine, with a careful selection of top quality products and an excellent command of culinary techniques.

What we offer

Located in the heart of the city of Alcoy, L’Amagatall de Tota offers traditional and market food but differentiated with modern and current touches, and an exquisite presentation, so that you can savor the best gastronomy of the interior of Alicante. Everything from the talent that characterizes its cuisine and the professionalism of its room service.


Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday: 1.30pm-4pm; Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 1.30pm-4pm and 9pm-11pm

Where to sleep
What to do

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This website is owned by: ASOCIACION PROVINCIAL DE TURISME DE L’ALCOIA, COMTAT I FOIA DE CASTALLA. Spanish VAT: G53727780. Our registered office is located at: C/ San Francisco 10,03801, Alcoy (ALICANTE).

You can also contact us via phone 663 97 07 05 (teléfono) o or via e-mail: or with this contact form

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